Tuesday, December 21, 2010

BUSINESSES: Getting online customers without the expense

There is no doubt about it - today's market is a competitive one for small retail businesses.  With the continued rise of the Aussie dollar against the US dollar, the competition for customers has just gone up a notch or two.  Our dollar's constant climb towards and beyond parity with the Greenback has retailers feeling concerned. Many customers are heading online and offshore to pick up bargains.  There is a general feeling that all items will be cheaper anywhere but on home turf.  But is this always the case?  What if you were offering a product or comparitive product at competitive prices but just couldn't get it out there?  Maybe you haven't even gone down the path of getting a website as the expense and effort don't seem worth it in relation to sales that might be generated.  Those of you who already do a portion of your business online will agree that just maintaining a website is a full time job in itself!  The online world can make retailers feel like a drop in a vast ocean... but the same feeling can apply to shoppers!  Sometimes searching for a product to buy in Australia can lead to dead ends and a variety of search outcomes that are generic, non specific and just not relevant... it's frustrating.

 This is where Shlimbo gives you a competitive and customer interactive online presence. Instead of your customers having to trawl through search outcomes; instead of them only being able to shop at businesses with existing websites ... they can use Shlimbo to put their request out there WITH JUST ONE EMAIL and you get back to them.  No website necessary - just an email address. 

Whilst the cost of an item is a major factor, sometimes getting sales is not just about price comparisons ... people will pay extra for quality, personal and professional service and after sales follow up.  Some shoppers would much rather a product made locally and/or ethically.  Some shoppers are nervous about buying some goods from overseas websites as they would prefer the security of a warranty.  The permutations are endless!! Having an opportunity to explain your point of difference directly to a shopper can help you get your product and ethos out there. It puts the information, and therefore choice, back in the hands of the customer and money in your account.

Shlimbo will revolutionise the way you do business online.  Shlimbo links businesses with customers and business to business.  It facilitates you providing new customers with your brand of personal and professional service.  It wants to help you capture the attention of online shoppers irrespective of whether you have a website or not.   Shlimbo helps the Davids go up against the Goliaths.  YOU JUST NEED AN EMAIL ADDRESS.

For more information on how you might sign up your business go here.