Thursday, January 13, 2011

5,4,3,2,1 ... Shlimbo is GO!

After many months of hard work and fine tuning, Shlimbo has been unleashed!  The website is live!  It has been officially launched, released to the media and is now ready to change the way we do business online.  Before we could even say "Release the Shlimbo" ... ACTIVE enquiries from shoppers started to roll in... they are waiting to be filled.  As you read, there may be someone desperately searching for the sheepskin boots you stock...  longing to find some letterpressed wedding invites you design and print ...  sending up a Shlimbo smoke signal for secluded B&B you run ... hoping to find a skilled plumber close by... excitedly planning the wedding of the decade ...but you won't be able to answer their call unless you sign up.

We are completely excited by Shlimbo.  It has been created out of a genuine desire to make online business easier for businesses and shoppers alike.  We have created it using our own experiences of online shopping. We have been small business owners.  We have had our own website.  We have had a shop front and and online shop.  We understand how time poor you are when you run your own business.  We understand the list you have running in the part of your brain that is not taken up with accounts, BAS statements, the general day to day running tasks ... the list that incudes "I will eventually get around to getting a website", "I must look into online selling" ... Shlimbo has been created with that list in mind.